{{vi18n(lang, 'SAFECOO·', '安酷 ·')}} {{vi18n(lang, 'Metaverse', '元宇宙')}}

{{vi18n(lang, 'Immersion Interactive Security Emergency Virtual World', '沉浸互动式安全应急虚拟世界')}}

{{vi18n(lang, 'the first new world of safety and emergency training built in accordance with the real world 1:1, which is a virtual world that can walk freely and interact freely. Trainees can enter it to participate in immersive safety learning, experience the risks of operations, safety hazard screening, select safety equipment, start safe operations, pass the hazardous operations assessment and other full process training, and even multiple people can collaborate to participate in accident emergency rescue...', '国内第一个按照现实世界1:1打造的安全应急培训新世界,这是一个可以自由行走、自由交互的虚拟世界。学员进入其中可以参与沉浸式安全学习、体验作业风险、进行安全隐患排查、选择安全装备、开始安全作业、通过危险作业考核等全流程培训,甚至可以多人协作参与事故应急救援...')}}
