{{vi18n(lang, 'SAFECOO-XR Space', '安酷·XR空间')}}
{{vi18n(lang, 'The largest digital content platform for security and emergency response in China', '国内最大的安全应急数字化内容平台')}}
{{vi18n(lang, 'SAFECOO spans the fields of safety and emergency and digital technology, applying digital technology (VR, MR, 3D interaction, panorama) to safety and emergency training. Trainees can interact in a virtual or mixed reality environment that is close to the real one without any risk, making the training process highly immersive and realistic, and the experience shocking and profound. We have developed a collection of more than 300 sets of safety and emergency training experiences in production safety, production accident response, hazardous work safety, fire safety, community safety, natural disasters, campus safety, traffic safety, etc., and the content is constantly being updated.', '安酷横跨安全应急与数字科技两个专业领域,将数字科技(VR、MR、3D交互、全景)应用到安全和应急培训中。受训者在接近于真实环境的虚拟或混合现实中无风险参与互动,培训过程高度沉浸逼真,体验震撼深刻,培训效果倍增!我们目前已经开发集合了生产安全、生产事故应急、危险作业安全、消防安全、社区安全、自然灾害、校园安全、交通安全等300多套安全应急培训体验内容,且内容不断的持续更新中')}}
{{vi18n(lang, 'Advantages of Digital Safety Training', '数字化安全培训的优势')}}
{{vi18n(lang, 'Accenture Vocational Training Case Study" by Accenture, a leading consulting firm, "Measuring the impact of immersive learning', '著名咨询机构埃森哲《Accenture Vocational Training Case Study》即《埃森哲职业教育案例研究报告》《Measuring impact of immersive learning 衡量沉浸式学习》')}}